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Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The RETURN of the SAD LONELY BOY part 1

While cleaning School's attic, Ms Hancock found some papers. Looking at them she assigned her class at a project,Made groups of 2 children and gave each Group a paper. She thought this would bring out the creativeness in children and they'll be excited to become detectives. Gabe and Mary Ann got this and eagerly read through the old paper.
Gabe and Ann looked at the date and read carefully and made notes
12th August 1959
Daryll Smith
Ramond Leigh
Flanders Smith
They started by going to the Springfield cemetery. They looked at all tombstone to give them a clue but none of them succeeded . The went home to start afresh the next day. Mary Ann rummaged through old newspapers in her attic but the oldest paper she got was of 1998.Gabe surfed the internet searching for Springfield and Daryll Smith. Luck shined on her as she found a website with this title
She searched and searched and got Daryll Smith 12th august 1959 in Perpetual Rest cemetery a mile away from their town. She immediately called Mary Ann and told her about her discovery. Next day they cycled to the cemetetry. They read the names of all tombstones but got no clue. Ann cried" We are going to fail in our assignment!" But Gabe didn't lose hope. She came told Mary ann to come here every other day for an hour and maybe the father was alive.But mary Ann objected this,She said that even if the father was 40 at the time he would be 90 now or maybe dead. But Gabe insisted on her theory and Mary Ann had to agree.They went to that place every other day and it had been a week now. Atlast they saw a middle-aged man in his fifties bending on the grave of Daryll Smith. They hid and saw him talk to the grave and as he left they ran to the man and told him that they had a project and they wanted to know about him. Suddenly the temperature dropped in the cemetery and winds howled. Clouds had covered the sky and everything looked sad and sober.The children turned to look at the man who had gone white. He was trembling as if he had seen a ghost. Cold sweat prickled down his head as he said " I am flanders......" The children gasped. Wasn't he the man they had read about in the newspaper!Gabe stammered " but...But you were missing!" " yeah.... for the world i was at least for the town but anyone didn't know i was...." Mary Ann whispered " Kidnapped? " "Yeah that." he said. " By whom?" Asked Gabe fearlessly. But before the man could answer, they heard the sounds of whispering and giggles. Mary Ann shivered. Seriously? this type of weather in July? Suddenly they heard a raspy voice whispering " Flanders, Don't you love your life? Don't you know the cost these girls would have to give if you opened your mouth?" "NO"Gabe cried. "You have to tell us Mr. Flanders! Nothing will happen!" Flanders yelled " Don't you know the cost you'll pay! " Mary Ann yelled " tell Mr. Flanders for your BROTHER!" Flanders hesitated for a bit then whispered to them " Raymond Leigh" A shriek hollered through the silent Cementry " but but he was dead! We have the paper!" Cried Mary Ann. Suddenly something Grasped Flanders leg from below. It was a hand from the Grave. " Run!" he cried and they started running. They ran but as they reached the exit A hand grasped Flanders leg and he was being dragged away. " Ann? " He yelled. "My time has come and don't Fret!" "Mr. Flanders" The girls cried in horror. " And yes Anne" He yelled towards them. " Bodies die but spirits don't! " He said barely audible to girls. " run! my darling run! Save your lives!"
The girl Ran away, Trembling